The last month has been big in the bad behavior dept!
Incident #1: Joe Thrillkill is an alchohol fueled telephone terrorist. If you get a phone call in the very early AM and someone cordially says, "nigga cock" just hang up and unplug the phone, cause it aint gonna stop anytime soon.
Incident #2: The residents of the Shit Palace thought buying 3 medium powered air rifles (with scopes!) and 10,000 BB's was a rad idea. they were 100% correct..too bad the first 3,000 shots were fired inside the house. Shattering glass was heard late into the evening, and BB sized welts were dealt to all who dared intervene. Three days of mayhem later the guns were confiscated and haven't been seen since.
Incident #3: With the absence of air rifles to propell the BB's, the folks resorted to throwing them instead. Within minutes the situation had escalated to the point of throwing beer cans and trash. Once again Thrillkill ups the ante and whips a sizeable section of broken skateboard at Bill's head like its a Tron Disc...and it stuck. the blood flowed like a red river. Head wounds rule.
Incident #4: Canadian flyouts at the Belleville park are now being discouraged..harshly. The Nested Ones have taken to policing flyouts by throwing their boards at poo grabbing perpetrators. Incidences of flyouts have declined dramatically in recent weeks. Will direct action against mongo pushers soon follow?
Incident #5: One specific local was overheard talking shit on The Nest, which he had never even ridden. When confronted, he dropped the name everyone loves to blame...Thrillkill. Since he was present for most of the construction and is a resident Nest ripper, Joe was bent way outta shape and a fight at the park almost ensued. Sting dodged a bullet, this time.
This months #1 shit stirrer? Non other than thrillkill, as usual..