They had some good photo's in the mags and were set to make something happen. It was a fun fringe to sit on. I was on my own mission, so I never got to see what became of theirs. I don't know what happened to those guys, but I think about them once in a while and I always remember them as a good part of my own skateboarding experience.
These are just a few companies that keep it alive, just like those those two Longview soldiers I once knew.
Choose your weapons wisely.
Cold War Skateboards is a company from the Northwest. Randy promptly answered my stupid questions via e-mail, and was cool about it. he went so far as offering to put the graphic I liked, (The "Ban the Bush" ordinance) onto a different deck more my size. I was super stoked. They offer all kinds of GNAR-TOOLS for the burler in us all. They also make some kickass band boards featuring the likes of The Epoxies, The Groovy Ghoulies, and the Immortal Naked Raygun. Good Shit.
Metal Skateboards is a Jersey thing. Conspiracy surrounds this company and it's run by lifers.
The METAL WEBSITE is a conundrum in itself, a page containing Medusa's head and a pentagram. Metal stands mute, shrouded in darkness, obscured by a torn veil of deceit, and hand dipped in King Diamond. Yep.
However, like everyone else on the whole damn planet they can be found on MySpace. Check it out and then watch the trailer for the
Terror Skateboards has been on the DL, lately. Terror has some hardass, destroyin' motherfuckers on it's team. Rulers like Sage, Justin Hindry, Jamie Weller, Dober, Fat Chris, Pino, Sperm and Slob. It's been a really long hiatus for Terror but I've been hopeful. I Read in the Paying In Pain 'Zine that Terror was still a go, but i have not heard anything recently, and their website is down. Which is also sad because Terror makes my favorite skateboard of all time. The 8.67" X 32" squaretail "Scumfuck Tradition" deck is the best board i've ever ridden. I got one of the first run decks from a friend and until this year I was buying the same board everytime a new one was needed. I went so far as having friends pick them up in Portland or SD on their way through town on trips. I love that deck and have retired several. I want another one, or six. God dammit why does everything good have to end?
MM skateboards are down for the cause, and their decks are Handmade in Oregon. They make wood for Cold War and some other companies. They have a Mark "Red" Scott pro model and they also issued a FREE NEIL HEDDINGS fundraiser deck.
Buy MM stuff at Cal Skate Skateboards or Old Star Skateshop.