Probably better to read this in a foreign language anyway.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Events you need to know about.

Sleestock 2006

The hoods over on the 'Stak are gearing up for mayhem, it seems. There is much talk of an epic session in the merry month of June. Heads from all over the nation will convene in Lincoln City, Oregon and circle their wagons. So, if you are opposed to all sorts of deviant behavior, drunken debauchery, hessian concrete violence or dragonriding..i would suggest staying out of LC on the Third weekend of June.

Bowl Bash XI

The date for Bowl Bash XI has been tentatively set for June 2-3. Bands, set aside that date now to kick in the second decade of Skatopia Mayhem! --Brewce.
"Nuff Said. Be There.

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